Hey, you! So nice of you to click to learn more about me, Kristina Henson.
I live in Upstate New York with my daughter, a Golden Retriever, and two cats. Before writing and illustrating my two books, One Hundred Birds Telling One Hundred Little Stories and Letters to Lily, I maintained a blog and regularly published personal essays while working in the graphic design industry by day and devoting the majority of the rest of my time doing what I love the most — writing and creating books. I love everything about books. With all that’s inside of them—the things I can learn, the places I can travel to, the characters I can fall in love with—what isn’t there to love?
I can define myself by being so many things: a mother, a daughter, a sister, an artist, an author, a designer. But most importantly—and what I remind myself of often—is that I am a woman who needs to create. 
I hope you enjoy a peek into my studio and life. 

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

I knit a blanket for my Mother for Christmas. I picked colors and Italian wool that reminded me of her and stayed up late knitting (and sometimes re-knitting) the rows. I knew we would have a long, distant winter and hoped that she would cover up with it when she watched a movie, and it would feel like a hug from me. Those are the kinds of gifts I usually give her – things I have made, a box of my favorite tea, or a book I think she'll love.

I love it when I get those kinds of things from my daughter too. My most cherished pieces in the house are the gifts that she has made me. It fills my heart up knowing that she thought of me while she used her hands to make me a gift.

I already know what I would like for Mother's Day this year. It's the gift of Lily's time. I'd love her to help me with the garden and yard work, even though it isn't something she likes to do. I usually like mowing the lawn and enjoy the exercise, but lately, the long list of things I have to do feels overwhelming, and I could use the help. Plus, I don't think that her hands have ever touched a lawnmower. Like being able to shift through the gears of a manual transmission, I feel like using a lawnmower is something my daughter should be capable of doing.

I hope you can enjoy time with your Mother this year. If she isn't with us anymore, I hope you have a few minutes to sit and remember all the things you loved about her. I'll bet she's listening and is right there with you.

I will be teaching Lily how to start the mower and cut the grass. I feel like I owe it to her.
She will probably think differently.
Wish me luck.



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