Hey, you! So nice of you to click to learn more about me, Kristina Henson.
I live in Upstate New York with my daughter, a Golden Retriever, and two cats. Before writing and illustrating my two books, One Hundred Birds Telling One Hundred Little Stories and Letters to Lily, I maintained a blog and regularly published personal essays while working in the graphic design industry by day and devoting the majority of the rest of my time doing what I love the most — writing and creating books. I love everything about books. With all that’s inside of them—the things I can learn, the places I can travel to, the characters I can fall in love with—what isn’t there to love?
I can define myself by being so many things: a mother, a daughter, a sister, an artist, an author, a designer. But most importantly—and what I remind myself of often—is that I am a woman who needs to create. 
I hope you enjoy a peek into my studio and life. 

Reminder to Show Up

Reminder to Show Up


Hey there! I've been working away on my 100 Day Project, The Art of Leaving. I'm a bit beyond the halfway point, and as with every project, I can't believe I made it this far! Somedays, it's not that easy to show up and do the work, but I'm always glad when I do. If I have learned anything from doing these 100 Day Projects, it's this: always show up for myself even if all I have is two minutes and a crappy doodle. Just show up. That crappy doodle might spark an idea for a great story, but I'll never know if I don't show up. Most days, the only time I have to work on this project is very early in the morning. This morning I was up before sunrise. It felt so good to watch and listen to the day come to life. I worked on The Art of Leaving, birds were waking up and singing, and then I peeked on the bulbs I planted last fall. Everything is growing, and it gives me such a thrill. If only I could remember what I planted. (ha!) Then this afternoon, I got a weather alert for a winter storm watch. I've enjoyed having the windows open and daydreaming about planting flowers and will be sad to see the bulbs covered up by a blanket of snow. April can be so rude.


Other news from home:
A while ago, I told Lily that we were at our pet limit. No more animals. But she didn’t listen and got the sweetest, softest little bunny, Mabel. I like to sit and watch her eat before I go to bed. Her little nose twitches the whole time she nibbles on her salad greens and carrots; it's about the cutest thing I have ever seen. Mabel is also an avid reader and enjoys a few pages of my new book, Letters to Lily before washing her little bunny face and calling it a day. I'm serious this time tho—no more pets.

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

One thousand times

One thousand times