Hey, you! So nice of you to click to learn more about me, Kristina Henson.
I live in Upstate New York with my daughter, a Golden Retriever, and two cats. Before writing and illustrating my two books, One Hundred Birds Telling One Hundred Little Stories and Letters to Lily, I maintained a blog and regularly published personal essays while working in the graphic design industry by day and devoting the majority of the rest of my time doing what I love the most — writing and creating books. I love everything about books. With all that’s inside of them—the things I can learn, the places I can travel to, the characters I can fall in love with—what isn’t there to love?
I can define myself by being so many things: a mother, a daughter, a sister, an artist, an author, a designer. But most importantly—and what I remind myself of often—is that I am a woman who needs to create. 
I hope you enjoy a peek into my studio and life. 



The word "divorce" sounds unpleasant to me, like a swear word. I wonder if instead, you said, "we un-sparkled" it would feel less harsh coming out of your mouth? I'll bet over time even "un-sparkled" would begin to sound unpleasant just because it is associated with something that is almost guaranteed to have left one of the two people involved in tears.
I was lucky to mate with my wife for this whole life. She doesn't mind that I take off for weeks and months at a time while I watch over Kay. Her hoot is distinct, and I can find her anywhere. I do like spending time alone but I know when I start getting snappy with everyone, it's time to go home for a bit. No matter what nest we happen to be living in, whenever I see her face and she smiles, it’s home.

Teenage Dating
